Koniecznie zapoznaj się z poniższymi dziełami. Niektóre z nich mogą być bardzo trudne do zdobycia...

Korben Dallas Invoking the fifth element
Philip K. Dean Stars and the half-gods cult
Frater Coitus Dirty play in hay
Frater R.I.P. Mystic WiseCraft
Theresa Weed Drugs: multiplicating layers of illusion
Abdul Al-Hazred Macroeconomicon

Condria Hype Powerful techniques of destroying fictious enemies
Albert Onestone Psychobabble in ancient and modern magick
Terry O. Rist From the extremes to the center
Dawa G. Altsen Healer in the eye, magick of vision
Darth Kia May the Force be within you!

Prometheus LIX From thought to matter: as above so below
A. J. Specktowsky How I rose from the dead in my spare time and so can you
Aldous Huxley Perennial direct experience
Soror BBB (Blah-blah-black) Always in black but witty
S. Ender The problem of returned curse (and who is to blame)

Lusia Mirage Make believe as a tool
Jimmy Code You are a sigil (so why not forget yourself)
Anonym the Mage A. A. The Order of Alcoholics Anonymous
Freddy Krueger Lucid dreamin’n’screamin’
Lady Mantragora Complicated methods of no-effort magick
Michael Arangel Witch Craft Maga
John Oak Double tree, a way to grow

Rev. U Just decide! magick
Victoria Void Sacrificing self to the whole
Morpheus Remm We dream we dream we dream
M. T. Ness How to cast spells using nothing
Alan Chapman Advanced magic for beginners

von Juntz Unausprechlichen Kulten
d'Erlette Coultes des Goules
Ludwig Prinn De Vermis Mysteriis
Malleus strigarum destructus
Agrippina Meus maritus magus furcifer
Paraplegicus Sol omnia lucet
Lemmus De impossibilitate vitae
Tommus Hexus Benedicat vos omnipotens Vacuum
Farida Sorana Tenebra Nox